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Capture feedback & run consumer surveys within Zoho CRM with Ozonetel’s IVR

Often businesses are unaware of how customers feel about their service or their product – are they happy, will they recommend you, are they aware of your new offers etc. Being able to capture real time user feedback can aid businesses initiate corrective actions immediately and address business questions like -  
  • Would you like to capture the mood of your customers at the end of a call?
  • Are you sure that your customer calls have been answered satisfactorily?
  • Do you want to conduct a quick dip-stick survey amongst your users to know their preferences?
This facility can now be availed easily within Zoho CRM itself using the Ozonetel <-> Zoho connector.
How does the additional IVR functionality work?
Incoming call scenario
Use case - This is primarily for getting immediate user feedback linked with the call
Step 1 – User calls the call center
Step 2 – At the end of the call, Agent/Executive requests the caller to provide their feedback.
Note – Ideally only 1 question should be asked, to ensure valid responses from the end user. Could be as simple as – Is your issue resolved – Press 1 if yes, Press 2 if no.
This information is captured in 2 places for review
  • Audio recording attached with the contacts module
  • IVR report – Options chosen by the end user are available in the form of a report which is dynamically generated and summarized in the form of an end of day report
Outbound IVR survey
Use case - This can be linked with inputs from the marketing campaigns depending on end user journey or could be to the entire audience announcing a special offer.
Step 1 – You need to prepare a list for whom the outbound survey will be targeted.
Step 2 – Trigger the outbound calls using the Zoho <-> Ozonetel dialer integration
Step 3 – Inputs provided by the end users are captured in the form an end of day IVR report
Which businesses can use this service?
While the use case of capturing feedback for customer calls is applicable to all industries, specifically speaking, the feedback IVR is strongly advised for service oriented businesses like Order delivery, On demand services, ecommerce companies linked with calls related to orders etc. Typically in these cases the end user is savvy enough to understand the value of providing feedback.
Read here on how Medi assist, India’s largest TPA uses Ozonetel’s feedback IVR -

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