Time certainly flies. Seems like yesterday, but when I saw the dates on my blog posts, I realized that its been 3 years since we introduced cloud telephony to India. So, I just thought I will summarize what I have been blogging for the last 3 years in this post. In return of telephony apps , and free your voice , I explained the need for cloud telephony solutions and how our aim was to make telephony application development as mainstream as web development. This set the stage and people started noticing about KooKoo and cloud telephony. The next step was to showcase some innovative apps which showcased the capability of cloud telephony. Phone use cases , telephony polls , Twitter voice , call to register , play order details , virtual receptionist , local search , integrating help desks , integrating sales force and CRMs , wedding IVR etc I also documented our expansion( New circles , Gujarat , Rajasthan ) and addition of an SMS channel . I covered our partnerships( Youth Ki A
Our hits and misses while building a scalable cloud telephony platform KooKoo, Ozonetel.