In this startup ecosystem, the people with the money generally can influence a narrative. So sometimes, we have to use our own publishing space to talk about ourselves :)
So this post is about that. It just reinforces some lesser known but important facts about Ozonetel.
Fact 1: Ozonetel is the company which first introduced cloud telephonyto India. This fact is easily provable, thanks to the Internet web archive :)
Fact 2: First to cross a billion calls in cloud telephony in India
Fact 3: One of the very few companies inIndia which has an open API. Though documentation can be improved a lot, at least the API is open to the public. You can sign up today at and start building
Fact 4: Though we bootstrappedto startup , over the course of our journey, we have raised more than a million dollars of angel money. Mainly from families, friends and customers.
Fact 5: One of the few companies which have crossed $4 million in ARR with just Indian customers. Almost all our customers are Indian. This should change this year as we are looking at going international.
Fact 6: Most peopledont know all the offerings we have. Many people don know that KooKoo belongs to Ozonetel :). Those who work on KooKoo dont know Cloudagent, the cloud call center belongs to us. Even few know that we have a basic cloud call center called as CA Lite for startups :)
Fact 7: The biggest IVR platform in India with more than 40 million subscribers runs on KooKoo, Ozonetel.
Fact 8: Cloudagent is not just for voice processes. We support even email and chat agents.
Will update this post with more facts when I remember them :)
So this post is about that. It just reinforces some lesser known but important facts about Ozonetel.
Fact 1: Ozonetel is the company which first introduced cloud telephony
Fact 2: First to cross a billion calls in cloud telephony in India
Fact 3: One of the very few companies in
Fact 4: Though we bootstrapped
Fact 5: One of the few companies which have crossed $4 million in ARR with just Indian customers. Almost all our customers are Indian. This should change this year as we are looking at going international.
Fact 6: Most people
Fact 7: The biggest IVR platform in India with more than 40 million subscribers runs on KooKoo
Fact 8: Cloudagent is not just for voice processes. We support even email and chat agents.
Will update this post with more facts when I remember them :)