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Showing posts from September, 2012

Mashing up Freshdesk with KooKoo for customer support ticket management

Sorry for the delay in writing a blog post. I have been caught up in too many things since last month(we are growing, so its all good :)) Anyway, this week I thought I will look at how we can use the latest rockstar startup from India, Freshdesk . Freshdesk, as most of you know is one of the best "Social Helpdesk" systems out there. I am sure most of you are already using Freshdesk to support your customers. In this blogpost I will explain how you can add telephony to the mixture. In particular I will show some code which you can use to : Welcome the caller by name Ask him to enter his ticket id Play out the ticket status Connect the caller to the correct agent handling the ticket. Luckily for us, Freshdesk has a very well defined API and it was a pleasure to work with it. The engineers were also very supportive and answered all my queries quickly. So lets get into the code directly. 1. First we need to get the caller information. For this we need to a