For users who just want to try twitter voice instead of building one, you can visit and try it out. Go to twitter apps page and register a new application.Enter application name, description and choose Client as the application type. Also choose Read & Write as the Default Access Type and choose to use twitter for login. Note down ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret Download TwitterAuth java application ,unzip and run java -jar TwitterAuth.jar [ConsumerKey] [ConsumerSecret] Follow on screen prompts and enter pin and get the [Access token] and [Access token secret] Download Twitter OAuth PHP library and extract it in your web root. The original version of this library is at . This is the awesome Twitter OAuth library developed by Abraham. Create KooKoo page kookoovoice.php in your web root with the following content require_once("twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php");/...
Our hits and misses while building a scalable cloud telephony platform KooKoo, Ozonetel.